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"Sherlock Holmes: Just a Plain Old Detective?" by Shravan B Nair

We all know Sherlock. He is the "greatest detective of all time", after all. His actions fill countless books and movies. Most people regard him as a static character because he never changes at the end of a story; it seems that only the people he helps and the cases he solves are changed. But is this really true? Let’s take our magnifying glasses out and take a look, shall we? (*crying* Sherlock, I hope you are proud of me.)   First, let us look at his intrapersonal relations (i.e. the relationship he has with himself). Sherlock appears to be very comfortable in his own skin. He can usually detect whether he is happy or not, and displays quite a strong self-awareness. For example, let us take his hobby: listening to music. He listens to music solely when he feels stuck on a particular case or when he needs to have a break from his detective work.  Furthermore, his motivation for solving cases comes from the thrill of the process, and this might explain why he only takes

"A Case Study on Montegrappa: How a Pen Might Be Able to Change The World" by Shravan B Nair

Montegrappa Case Study: Montegrappa is a luxury pen manufacturing company based in Italy. They opened their business during the World War, and pride themselves on being the pen of choice for many important events.   Problems:   o    Too many employees o     Fixed mindset o    Resistive to change o    Not globalised o    Product has a chance of being obsolete o    Fixed market audience o    Lack of a Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP) o    Lack of diversified products o    Lack of technological usage   Solutions: Montegrappa should try to hire staff on-demand. It is hard to do in a field that specialises in a certain aspect like Montegrappa does, but there is a way to combat this issue. Montegrappa should allow different engineers and designers around the world to submit their ideas of pen designs. If Montegrappa likes one of them, the designer will be called and can work on a contractual basis on the pen and finish it. Aside from reducing costs and liabili

"Carta Artificialis" by Shravan B Nair

Over the centuries, many people, thinkers, and cyber-experts have tried to come up with laws that guard the ethical use of technology, robots, and A.I. A vast array of perspectives have been discussed, with some people believing that we humans come first and others claiming that robots should look after themselves. What is truly right can only be known through future testing, but there is something we can do now and that is to come up with a document that lists ALL the aspects of technology ethics (or at least tries to).   This is why, like Isaac Asimov (the science-fiction author whose laws of robotics are the most popular), I try to come up with some laws that I think are needed for a safe world. (Trumpets start to be blown, and there is a huge commotion in the hall.) I present to thee, the Carta Artificialis!   The Carta Arftificialis   I.                    Any A.I technology that is created must be able to do good and to better the world and the whole of humanity. It i

"Tom, Jerry, and Trump" by Shravan B Nair

Trump’s impeachment was not fair. Wait! Before you disregard this article thinking that it is one of those Republican rants, hear me out, please. This is NOT an article in defence of Trump; this is an article in defence of justice around the world. Moreover, I am NOT a republican. Talking about parties does not even interest me. Why should I talk about political party influences when Nancy and Trump have time to do that all day? I am busier than them; I don’t have time to waste (you don’t believe me, do you?). I wanted to tell you something else entirely. We all remember Tom and Jerry, don’t we? That show where a cat chases a mouse throughout the whole episode. And if I were to ask you who your favourite character was in this show, I am quite certain that almost 99.9% of you will say Jerry. Of course, look at him. Aww! Isn’t he cute? Such a nice, little mouse. On the other hand, what do we say about Tom? Tom, that bad, bad cat. The one who wants to kill poor, innocent Jerry. Uh,

"Greta" by Shravan B Nair

I am a 100% sure that you know who I am talking about in the title. TIME Person of the Year. Swedish, teen, climate change activist. Yes, Greta Thunberg. Greta has been making news around the world with her bold accusations and strong statements, however, what interests me is not this. It is what I understood from a random conversation I had lately. Last week, I just happened to be talking with another person, and I asked him “Do you know Greta Thunberg?”. Big mistake. This was his cue to start telling me all about his dislike for Greta, and how he thought Greta was just overambitious, wishful, and a complete show-off. I was shocked. I wanted to ask him: “What has she done to you to make you hate her so much?”. This conversation had filled my mind for the past few days. I realised with horror that there are thousands of people who hate Greta, chiding her for being a person with a pipe dream. Some say her arguments are illogical. Others say that she is being too much of an adu

"Z" by Shravan B Nair

Adults know everything about "us", don’t they? They think that we are a group of tech-addicted rogues, with absolutely no potential at all. We spend the best of our days smashing away at our phones to someone living somewhere. Don’t even get them started about the worst days, those days when they call us gazillion times for dinner because we don’t have time for that anymore. What I would like to clear up first is this: what wrong did technology do to make you hate it so much, adults? Is it because it saved millions of lives with advances in the pharmaceutical industry? Or is it because it made your lives so much easier with online shopping and banking? Moreover, on top of all this criticism, we have to bear the name that they gave us. No, please, not that name. GENERATION Z. The last and probably the most boring letter in the world was what they gifted us. Just great! Well, well, well. You adults are in for a shock when you see what we have got! It’s finally ti